Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Second Vatican Council

This year 2012 AD marks the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council by Pope John XXIII. This council has been the cause for a many great controversies and issues. The liberals within the Holy Church developed doctrine that was heresy. They defied Canon Law in several of the council's documents, and ignored papal bulls of old.

Today, the council is still being examined all over the world. Even though the council itself did not destroy the Traditional Tridentine Latin Mass, many people believe it did. It did not, the council clearly stated the importance of the Latin in the Liturgy and the preservation of those Liturgical traditions. But the council did indeed lay the ground work for Pope Paul VI's Novus Ordo Mass of 1969.

I firmly hold that Vatican II has been the catalyst for the destruction of the Holy Church for these past 50 years. The sinful ideas of liberalism, progressivism, and modernism introduced in Vatican II has steadily brought the Holy Church to be almost protestant.

Today though, It seems that these horrors are slowing down and that slowly but truly we are seeing a rebirth of tradition by way of Summorum Pontificum, and traditional fraternities like the Fraternal Society of St. Peter (FSSP), and the Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest.

I pray that the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI will continue in his fight for a return to tradition and the acknowledgement of the dangers of modernism and the liberalism that took hold of the Holy Church with the opening and the documents of the council.

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