Monday, February 17, 2014

Another Papal "Guitar Mass"

This is getting to be too much.

I'm tired of bashing Pope Francis.

But, this is unacceptable and inappropriate.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Wouldn't This Be Nice To See Again?

It would be nice to see Pope Francis wear two of the most essential of papal garments: The mozzetta and the traditional papal stoles.

It's funny, with this little bit of photoshop Pope Francis actually looks like he's the pope.
Too bad with this pontificate it is just another tradition that we've lost.
Image from the internet. 


Like A Boss

The future Pope John Paul II.

The Pope: The Vicar of Christ

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Please Pray For Ukraine

Priests are on the front lines. Innocent people are being arrested and killed everyday. Pray for the people of this beautiful country, their freedom and for peace.

Our Great Pope

The successor of St. Peter. 
Benedict XVI.

A Reflection On Pope Benedict

Words cannot even describe how dearly I miss our Pope. He was a lovely man, so humble, loving, holy and authentic. I miss this man who shepherded us through so many trials with enormous faith and hope. He was human, he had flaws like the rest of us, but he knew what he was doing. Not only was Pope Benedict able to reach out to everyone of us with his loving embrace but with his prayer and spiritual closeness. Along with the great qualities of a man worthy of being pope, and a true shepherd, but he had incredible respect and devotion to the liturgy and the dignity and holiness of the Church. Oh how we need our Papa back with us!

I grew up with Pope Benedict. He was such an incredible roll model of love and charity. He has done enormous good not only for my personal well being, but for the whole Church. How I wish I could still see him as our Pope. How I wish he would have stayed with us to face the trials ahead. But, only a humble man who has the best interests of the Church at heart and love for all of us, would be able to do what he had the courage to do.

We love him and miss him dearly and is in our hearts always.

I love you Holy Father.

Monday, January 20, 2014

A Little Humor Always Helps

A Disgrace To The Papacy

Pope Francis is to the Catholic Church what Barack Obama is to the United States, A COMPLETELY HUGE, MISGUIDED AND TERRIBLE MISTAKE. The pope continues to disrespect the Church in innumerable ways, so much so, that I am becoming ever more concerned.

Have you seen the mockery he has made of Holy Mass? First it was the pop/rock music at the World Youth Day Mass in Rio with "liturgical dance," now it's the "guitar Mass." This is a travesty. The pope has no respect for the most holy of mysteries and partakes in such gatherings on a now regular basis. In the last two trips he's taken to Roman parishes for Mass, there has been an absence of chant, and even traditional liturgical organ music. In its place there is now choirs of children and teens singing modern protestant-like gospel music to the tune of a guitar.

Pope Francis is a modernist. Pope Francis is a disease for the Holy Church. We all need to pray and do penance. Oh how we need Pope Benedict XVI back.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Holy Rosary

If you don't know how to pray the Rosary, here's something to help you get started.
You help yourself and the whole world by praying the Rosary.