Monday, July 29, 2013

The Mass

Don't just memorize the prayers at Mass. Don't just be at Mass. Don't idle off at Mass. Pray the Mass. The Mass is the most holy and sacred prayer the Church has. Don't just pray the Mass on Sundays, but if you can attend and pray the Mass daily to truly know the Mass.

Pope Francis' Insult to Tradition, And Benedict XVI

Pope Francis has taken his first strike against one of Benedict XVI's greatest accomplishment: Summorum Pontificum.

The Pope has, through the Congregation for Religious, made serious restrictions for celebrating the traditional Latin Mass for the worldwide Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.

Please read this article:

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Now We Know Who Pope Francis Is

I hope I'm not the only Catholic concerned with the manner in which Pope Francis has conducted himself and the manner in which he exercises the duty of Supreme Pontiff. He's the pope who doesn't act like the pope.

It pains me so to criticize the Holy Father, but he is no friend to tradition or the sacredness and holiness of the one true faith. It's a joke to Pope Francis. The closing Mass in Rio was a travesty, it looked like a protestant worship service full of glory and praise garbage. That was wrong. Now, millions of young Catholics are going away from WYD thinking that this was authentic Catholicism. It's not. I hope you weren't fooled.

I prayed that after Benedict XVI's resignation the cardinals would turn to a conservative, a traditionalist, a reformer who wouldn't be afraid to reform the reform, somebody who wasn't afraid to return the Church to holiness. Instead they chose this man. A Jesuit who's "humility" doesn't fit the Chair of Peter. We have a pope who is going to do more damage to the Church than good. The cardinals should've elected a man like Burke, or Ranjith. Now we all have to live with the mistake they made in trying to remake the image of the Church. I'm afraid Pope Francis is doing just that. I hope that we will be able to continue to recognize the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church after Pope Francis is through with it. Our Lady, pray for us, and St. Michael, protect us from the snares of the enemy.